首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Business Ethics >Libertarianism and Basic-Income Guarantee: Friends or Foes?

Libertarianism and Basic-Income Guarantee: Friends or Foes?


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The Basic-Income Guarantee is a governmental programme of income redistribution that enjoys an increasing predicament among academic and political circles. Traditionally, the philosophical defence for this programme has been articulated from the standpoint of social liberalism, republicanism, or communism. Recently, however, libertarian philosopher Matt Zwolinski also tried to reconcile the Basic-Income Guarantee scheme with libertarian ethics. To do so, he resorted to the Lockean proviso: to the extent that the institutionalization of private property impoverishes certain people by depriving their access to natural resources, these people deserve compensation and the most pragmatic way of providing this is through a Basic-Income Guarantee. This paper examines Zwolinski's arguments and responds by demonstrating that the Basic-Income Guarantee is incompatible with libertarian ethics: the current levels of poverty are not caused by the institutionalization of private property and the Basic-Income Guarantee does not constitute a pragmatic approach to eradicate poverty.
机译:基本收入担保是一项政府的收入再分配计划,在学术界和政治界中正面临越来越大的困境。传统上,从社会自由主义,共和主义或共产主义的观点出发,对该计划进行了哲学上的辩护。然而,最近,自由主义者的哲学家马特·兹沃林斯基(Matt Zwolinski)也试图将基本收入保证计划与自由主义者的道德观相调和。为此,他诉诸洛克的附加条款:在一定程度上,私有财产的制度化通过剥夺某些人获得自然资源的方式使某些人贫困,这些人应得到赔偿,而提供这种赔偿的最务实的方式是通过基本收入保证。本文研究了兹沃林斯基的论点,并通过证明基本收入保证与自由主义者的道德规范不符来回应:当前的贫困水平并非由私有财产制度化引起,基本收入保证并不构成消除贫困的务实方法。



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