首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Human Ecology >Ubuntu/Botho as Ecophilosophy and Ecosophy

Ubuntu/Botho as Ecophilosophy and Ecosophy

机译:Ubuntu /人格作为生态哲学与生态哲学

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Environmental problems facing humanity in the 21st century require a reexamination of the beliefs and values that produced them in the first place. In this paper the researcher discusses some of the key environmental challenges facing the southern African region. The researcher point out that, if responses to local environmental problems and the global ecological crisis are to be meaningful (make possible a more sustainable future), then it will require a collective effort on the part of society and at the same time connect to individual's values or the values of particular groups. The Norwegian philosopher Arne Naess argued that there can be agreement on environmental principles across cultures, regions and nations and that these principles can be supported by a range of ecophilosophies that are aligned to agreed principles. Naess referred to philosophies that support deep ecology principles as ecophilosophies or ecosophies. Informed by Naess's views, in this paper the researcher argues that ubuntu/botho is an ecosophy that is aligned with the principles of the leep ecology movement (DEM). Moreover, that ubuntu can serve as the ecophilosophy/ecosophy that informs policies and practices responsive to the pressing environmental problems facing the southern African region.
机译:21世纪人类面临的环境问题要求重新审视最初产生这些信念和价值观的信念和价值观。在本文中,研究人员讨论了南部非洲地区面临的一些关键环境挑战。研究人员指出,如果要对当地环境问题和全球生态危机做出有意义的回应(使未来更具可持续性),那么将需要社会方面的集体努力,同时与个人的值或特定组的值。挪威哲学家阿恩·内斯(Arne Naess)认为,在文化,地区和国家之间就环境原则可以达成共识,并且这些原则可以得到与公认原则相一致的一系列生态哲学的支持。内斯(Naess)将支持深层生态学原理的哲学称为生态哲学或生态哲学。根据Naess的观点,本文研究者认为ubuntu / botho是一种生态学,与生态学生态运动(DEM)的原理保持一致。此外,该ubuntu可以作为生态哲学/生态学,为响应南部非洲地区面临的紧迫环境问题的政策和实践提供信息。



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