
From The Editor


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The Feature Article in this issue of the Journal of Imaging Science and Technology by Prof. Nakamura and co-workers from Tokyo Medical and Dental University describes ink jet fabrication of three-dimensional structures for biological tissue manufacturing. This approach to using ink jet printing for tissue engineering in particular was initially proposed at IS&Ts Digital Fabrication Conference last September in Anchorage, AK, by Prof. Nakamura, where he stated that ink jet 3D biofabrication will contribute to the development of an innovative approach to direct building up of biological tissues. This technology is a specific application of three-dimensional ink jet printing, another application of which was also described in the previous issue of the Journal in a paper by Profs. Lozo, Stanic and co-workers from the University of Zagreb, in this case in the context of printing plate production. Three-dimensional ink jet printing was actually invented at MIT in the 1990s ,and is currently used primarily as a rapid prototyping technology, as described in an earlier JIST review article. Earlier this year medical researchers at the University of Minnesota created a heart that beats outside the body. They grew the (rat) heart by depositing living cells from a donor animal on a decellularized heart scaffold obtained by removing all cellular matter from a dead heart.
机译:中村教授和东京医科牙科大学的同事在本期《影像科学与技术杂志》上的专题文章介绍了用于生物组织制造的三维结构的喷墨制造。 Nakamura教授在去年9月于AK的安克雷奇举行的IS&Ts数字制造会议上首次提出了将喷墨打印用于组织工程的方法,他在那次会议上表示,喷墨3D生物制造将有助于开发一种创新的方法来直接建立生物组织。该技术是三维喷墨打印的特定应用,Professor的上一期《日刊》在一篇论文中也描述了其另一种应用。萨格勒布大学的Lozo,Stanic和同事在这种情况下是在印版生产方面。三维喷墨打印实际上是1990年代在麻省理工学院发明的,并且如先前在JIST的一篇评论文章中所描述的那样,目前主要用于快速原型技术。今年早些时候,明尼苏达大学的医学研究人员创造了一颗跳动于体外的心脏。他们通过将供体动物的活细胞沉积在脱细胞的心脏支架上来生长(大鼠)心脏,所述脱细胞的心脏支架通过去除死者的心脏中的所有细胞而获得。



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