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On the Trade-off between Efficiency in Job Assignment and Turnover: The Role of Breakup Fees


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We highlight a novel trade-off with the use of breakup fees in employment contracts. Under asymmetric learning about workers' productivity, the market takes job assignments (or "promotions") as a signal of quality and bids up the wages of a promoted worker, leading to inefficiently few promotions (Waldman, M. 1984. "Job Assignments, Signalling, and Efficiency" 15 RAND Journal of Economics 255-67). Breakup fees can mitigate such inefficiencies by shielding the firm from labor-market competition, but they reduce turnover efficiency when there are firm-specific matching gains. We show that it is optimal to use breakup fees if and only if the difference between the worker's expected productivity in the pre- and post-promotion jobs is small. Also, the relationship between the optimality of breakup fees and the importance of firm-specific human capital is more nuanced than what the extant literature may suggest.
机译:我们强调了在雇佣合同中使用分手费的一种新的权衡方法。在对工人的生产率进行非对称学习的情况下,市场将工作任务(或“升迁”)作为质量的信号,并提高了升职工人的工资,导致升职效率低下(Waldman,M.1984。“工作分配,信号传递和效率” 15兰德经济学期刊255-67)。分手费可以使公司免受劳动力市场竞争的影响,从而减轻这种效率低下的情况,但是当有公司特定的匹配收益时,分手费会降低周转效率。我们证明,当且仅当工人在升职前和升职后的预期生产率之间的差异较小时,才使用分手费是最佳选择。此外,分手费的最优性与公司特定人力资本的重要性之间的关系比现有文献所暗示的更为细微。



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