首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Management Inquiry >'Many Paths, One Mountain' or 'Many Paths, Many Mountains?' A Response to Delbecq, Franz, and Wong

'Many Paths, One Mountain' or 'Many Paths, Many Mountains?' A Response to Delbecq, Franz, and Wong


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Franz, Wong, and Delbecq have engaged me with challenging and meaningful reviews of my essay—I very much appreciate their fine efforts. For me, their careful and caring service reflects the academic knowledge generation process at its best. Such exemplary work contributes profoundly to the success of scholarship as a vital dimension of the human condition. Space allotted for my rejoinder allows me only a partial response to their robust commentaries. I focus on elucidating how spirit (the metaphysical realm) and spirituality (the human experience of spirit) are actually knowable, objectively and intersubjectively, through certain aspects of wisdom traditions, religions, and transcendentally transformative practices. That the phenomenon of spirit and how we experientially operationalize it are knowable in a transhuman and universal manner is a controversial proposition. To the rational mind living in a materialistic world of representational language, spirit is reduced to unfulfilling approximations—the map is not the territory.



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