首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Nanjing Medical University >Analysis of the Relationship between Genome Diversity and Adult Survive Rate of Botryllus Schlosseri by AFLP

Analysis of the Relationship between Genome Diversity and Adult Survive Rate of Botryllus Schlosseri by AFLP


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Objective: The self-cross colonial prochordate, Botryllus schlosseri ( B. schlosseri) occupy a key phylogenetic position in the evolution of vertebrates. To clarify the relationship of genome diversity and survive rate, five generations of B. schlosseri was investigated by amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP). Methods: AFLP markers are extremely sensitive to even small sequence variation, using PCR and high-resolution electrophoresis to examine restriction fragments. Results: AFLP polymorphism was high in the parent and lower in its F1, F2, F3 and F4. Each primer combination generated from 80 to more than 120 bands, of which average 25.85% polymorphic loci in parent, 15.79% polymorphic among F1, 9.16% and 5.58% in F2, F3. The AFLP markers were transmitted from F1 to F2, F3 and F4 and inherited, segregated in expected Mendelian ratio. However, some of the markers were lost in F2, F3 and F4 while it disappeared in their mother. In addition, gene mutation-new loci and lost loci among F1, F2, F3 and F4 were observed. These special fragments were cloned and sequenced. Then, the genomic DNA was analyzed by Southern hybridization with the probes from these specific fragments and the mechanism of gene mutation was clarified. Conclusion:These results suggest that there are high frequency of polymorphic loci and mutation in genome of B. schlosseri. Gene deletion or low diversity may be the reason for high rate of death of the offspring of inbred laboratory-reared strains.
机译:目的:自交殖民地原虫(Botryllus schlosseri)(B。schlosseri)在脊椎动物进化中占据重要的系统发育地位。为了阐明基因组多样性和存活率的关系,通过扩增片段长度多态性(AFLP)研究了五代schlosseri。方法:使用PCR和高分辨率电泳来检查限制性片段,AFLP标记对很小的序列变异都极为敏感。结果:AFLP多态性在亲本中较高而在其F1,F2,F3和F4中较低。每个引物组合产生80至120多个条带,其中平均25.85%的多态性位点位于亲本中,F1中的15.79%多态性,F2,F3中的9.16%和5.58%。 AFLP标记从F1传递至F2,F3和F4,并以预期的孟德尔比率进行遗传,分离。但是,某些标记在F2,F3和F4中丢失了,而在他们的母亲中消失了。另外,观察到F1,F2,F3和F4之间的基因突变新基因座和丢失基因座。这些特殊片段被克隆并测序。然后,通过Southern杂交与来自这些特定片段的探针对基因组DNA进行分析,并阐明了基因突变的机制。结论:这些结果表明schlosseri基因的多态性位点和突变频率很高。基因缺失或多样性低可能是自交实验室培育的菌株后代死亡率高的原因。



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