首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Neurotherapy >Visual Stimuli Generated by Biochemical Reactions Discrete Chaotic Dynamics as a Basis for Neurofeedback

Visual Stimuli Generated by Biochemical Reactions Discrete Chaotic Dynamics as a Basis for Neurofeedback


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Introduction. In this article a novel methodology for a neurofeedback system is proposed. It is based on the visual stimuli generated by the distributed biochemical reactions discrete chaotic dynamics (BRDCD) of brain neurons. These visual stimuli take the form of symmetrical colored images known as mandalas. Method. The proposed biofeedback system applies a BRDCD mathematical model to transform an on-line recording of EEG signals into a simulated time-series EEG and into computer generated series of mandala images. Thus, these images represent experimentally measured EEG and therefore reflect the subject's mental state. Results. It will be shown that good qualitative similarity between simulated and experimental EEG was achieved. The examples of generating series of mandala images using experimental EEG will be demonstrated. Conclusion. Based on Jung's theory of the healing power of the psychological phenomenon of mandala images, it is proposed that visual stimuli in the form of mandalas could facilitate fast and effective neurofeedback training, thereby providing a therapeutic effect.



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