首页> 外文期刊>Journal of soil & sediments >The evolution of sediment source fingerprinting investigations in fluvial systems

The evolution of sediment source fingerprinting investigations in fluvial systems


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Purpose This contribution reviews the evolution of sediment source fingerprinting investigations since the beginning of such studies in the mid-1970s. Attention is directed to key advances and developments during this period, to the present status of source fingerprinting techniques and to the scope for future development. Scope An analysis of the number of papers reporting sediment source fingerprinting investigations or associated methodologies published annually since the mid-1970s to date indicates that the number of such papers has increased near exponentially. The key drivers behind the expansion of such work are examined and linked to both the progress of academic enquiry and the need to support the development of sediment management strategies aimed at countering environmental problems associated with fine sediment. Instead of providing a chronological review of the various advances and developments evidenced by the expanding literature, attention focuses on seven key areas of development which are seen as having together contributed to the current state of the art. These include the expanding range of fingerprint properties employed; the use of statistical tests to confirm the ability of particular fingerprint properties to discriminate between potential sources and to assist in the selection of the 'best' properties for inclusion in the final composite fingerprint; the use of numerical mixing models to obtain quantitative estimates of the relative contribution of different sources; recognition of the need to confirm the conservative behaviour of the sediment properties employed as fingerprints and to take account of contrasts in grain size composition and organic matter content between source material and target samples; extension of the approach to include a greater range of targets and potential sources; addition of a temporal dimension, in order to consider changes in sediment source through time; and recognition of the need to direct increased attention to the uncertainty associated with the results of such studies. At the present time, sediment source fingerprinting techniques can be seen as being in a transition from a scientific tool to an operational or management tool, but further development will be required before successful transition to the latter can be fully achieved.



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