首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets >New Approach for the Evolution and Expansion of Space Debris Scenario

New Approach for the Evolution and Expansion of Space Debris Scenario


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The evolution of the space debris scenario consisting of a very large number of fragments is described using the propagation of the characteristics of equivalent fragments without propagating each and every individual debris fragment. This is similar to characterizing a fluid in terms of the average density, pressure, and temperature without considering the velocities of individual molecules in a fluid element. The space debris fragments are assigned to a three-dimensional bin of semimajor axis, eccentricity, and ballistic coefficient. A suitably defined representative semimajor axis, eccentricity, and an equivalent ballistic coefficient (a.e.B) are defined for the equivalent fragments in each of the bins. A constant gain Kalman filtering technique based on 1) propagating the above characteristics, and 2) updating them as and when further measurements become available, has been proposed. Further, the assimilation of the information from other breakups with the passage of time is also possible. The robustness of the constant Kalman gain approach instead of using the Kahnan filter statistics helps to handle better the unmodeled or unmodelable errors due to the finite bin size and the environmental perturbations. This methodology is also suggested to handle massive atmospheric data assimilation problems.



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