首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Systematic Palaeontology >Species of Hollinella (Palaeocopida: Ostracoda: Crustacea) as stratigraphical indices of the Late Permian-Early Triassic post-extinction interval

Species of Hollinella (Palaeocopida: Ostracoda: Crustacea) as stratigraphical indices of the Late Permian-Early Triassic post-extinction interval


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Members of the ostracod order Palaeocopida, except three very rare genera (Puncia, Manawa and Promanawa), disappeared from the stratigraphical record close to the Permian-Triassic boundary (PTB) event. Species of the genus Hollinella are often present just after the end-Palaeozoic mass extinction event, in latest Permian and earliest Triassic beds. They are among the last representatives of Palaeocopida, the typical Palaeozoic straight dorsal border ostracods. The Early Triassic species have been assigned by most authors to Hollinella tingi (Patte, 1935), but this assignment is incorrect. This species is present in the latest Permian and the earliest Triassic, and therefore is considered a biostratigraphical index fossil of the post-mass extinction interval. A revision of Hollinella species from this interval is presented here. Three Hollinella species occur in the earliest Triassic: H. panxiensis Wang, 1978; H. magninoda Wang, 1978; and Hollinella (Hollinella) lungcamensis Crasquin sp. nov. The new species of the post-PTB event is present in strata exposed in the northern part of Vietnam. All three species of Hollinella cross the PTB and H (H.) lungcamensis is characteristic of the post-extinction period (latest Changhsingian-earliest Induan).
机译:除三个非常罕见的属(蓬西亚,马纳瓦和普罗曼纳瓦)外,成龙纲的成员从二叠纪-三叠纪边界(PTB)事件的地层记录中消失了。霍利氏菌属的种常出现在古生代末期灭绝事件之后,出现在最新的二叠纪和最早的三叠纪河床中。他们是古生代的最后代表,古生代是典型的古生代直背边界的兽类。大多数作者已将早期三叠纪物种指定为Hollinella tingi(Patte,1935年),但这种分配是不正确的。该物种存在于最新的二叠纪和最早的三叠纪,因此被认为是质量灭绝间隔后的生物地层索引化石。在此介绍了此时间间隔的霍利氏菌物种的修订版。三叠纪最早出现三种霍利氏菌:H。panxiensis Wang,1978; H。panxiensis Wang,1978。 H. magninoda Wang,1978年;和Hollinella(Hollinella)肺藻Crasquin sp。十一月越南北部暴露的地层中存在PTB后事件的新物种。 Hollinella的所有三个物种都穿过PTB,而H(H.)肺孢子虫则具有灭绝后时期的特征(最新的昌兴安最早的Induan)。



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