首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research >Volcanic structures and oral traditions of volcanism of Western Samoa (SW Pacific) and their implications for hazard education

Volcanic structures and oral traditions of volcanism of Western Samoa (SW Pacific) and their implications for hazard education


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The Samoan Islands have experienced >2 million years of volcanism, culminating in historic eruptions at both the east and western ends of the chain including a major lava-producing episode on the island of Savai'i from AD 1905-1911. Upolu in Western Samoa has several areas mapped as early Holocene in age (>5 ka), but here we present new evidence for fresh volcanic landforms and deposits, supported by a radiocarbon date of 1915 ± 65 yrs B.P., giving a maximum age to a phreatomagmatic tuff cone offshore of Cape Tapaga, east Upolu. In addition, we report on a parallel investigation of the oral traditions of communities surrounding fresh volcanic landforms that may reflect distant "volcanic memories" passed down over generations. To accommodate Samoan cultural structures, oral traditional knowledge was sought through semi-structured interviews with small groups (3-4) or individuals. Samoan facilitators focused on high-ranking and traditionally respected (particularly elderly) individuals for explanations of the origins of local features, including their genesis, use and any related geo-hazards. Areas targeted were those where young eruptions (<3500 yr BP) were suspected from geological mapping. In stark contrast to communities in Vanuatu, Papua New Guinea or the Solomon Islands, the village communities show extremely limited knowledge of their volcanic heritage. Youthful volcanic landforms are often not recognised as such and appear to play little role in everyday life. Few, if any, legends are attached to any volcanic feature. Instead, oral traditions deal primarily with the origins of Samoans (overlain by strong Christian teachings), and past disputes/battles and wrongdoings between tribeseighbours. The only exceptions to this were identified in legends from East Upolu, where offshore islands (tuff cones) are associated with late Holocene explosive phreatomagmatic volcanism. Maps drawn by individuals and groups interviewed, highlighted the resources and landscapes important in their lives. The majority of these were prepared as 3D oblique-view sketches, rather than plan-views, showing little in common with typical hazard maps used in the area. In addition, maps were commonly restricted strictly to boundaries of local communities, ignoring major features (such as fresh volcanic cones) that were in the territory of "next door" villages. These perspectives need to be focused upon in future iterations of hazard maps and hazard-education programmes for Samoa and similar Polynesian communities.
机译:萨摩亚群岛经历了超过200万年的火山爆发,最终在该链的东西两端发生了历史性喷发,包括从公元1905-1911年在萨瓦伊岛发生的一次重大熔岩事件。萨摩亚西部的Upolu地区有几个年龄为全新世早期(> 5 ka)的地区,但在此我们提供了新的火山地貌和沉积物的证据,并以1915±65 BP的放射性碳年代为依据,给出了一个新的最大年龄。厄帕鲁东部塔帕加(Cape Tapaga)海上的岩浆凝灰岩锥。另外,我们报告了围绕新鲜火山地貌的社区口头传统的平行调查,这些火山地貌可能反映了世代相传的遥远的“火山记忆”。为了适应萨摩亚的文化结构,通过与小组(3-4)或个人进行半结构化访谈来寻求口头传统知识。萨摩亚的协助者着重于高级人员和传统上受人尊敬的(尤其是老年人)个人,以解释当地特征的起源,包括其起源,用途和任何相关的地质灾害。目标区域是从地质图谱中怀疑有年轻火山爆发(<3500年BP)的区域。与瓦努阿图,巴布亚新几内亚或所罗门群岛的社区形成鲜明对比的是,这些乡村社区对其火山遗产的了解极为有限。火山喷发的年轻地貌通常不被认可,因此在日常生活中起着很小的作用。很少有传说附加在任何火山特征上。相反,口头传统主要处理萨摩亚人的起源(被强有力的基督教教义所覆盖),以及部落/邻居之间过去的争执/战役和不法行为。唯一的例外情况是在东奥波卢的传说中发现的,那里的离岛(凝灰岩锥)与晚期全新世爆发性岩浆火山作用有关。受访个人和团体绘制的地图强调了他们生活中重要的资源和景观。其中大多数是作为3D斜视图草图而不是平面图准备的,与该地区使用的典型危害图几乎没有共同之处。此外,地图通常严格地限制在本地社区的边界内,而忽略了“隔壁”村庄范围内的主要特征(例如新鲜的火山锥)。在萨摩亚和类似的波利尼西亚社区的危害地图和危害教育计划的未来迭代中,需要着重这些观点。



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