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The Evolution of R&D Management


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R&D has been studied for a long time within different contexts, economies, and environmental demands throughout the years. The transition from early days' booming markets and economic growth in the 1950s to today's highly competitive and global marketplace is reflected in the way R&D has been managed. Early success stories such as the industrial research laboratories Bell Labs, Xerox Park and Lockheed Martin Skunkworks have been replaced by companies like the more market-focused 3M, the rapid introductions of new product ranges from Japanese manufacturers like Toyota and Sony, and R&D collaborations like Ericsson's network of companies around the "Bluetooth" technology and standard. The perspective on R&D processes has been different throughout the years, since the structure and prerequisites of the economy have changed and so has the presumption of best practice. One attempt at describing the last 50 years of evolution within the R&D field is introduced below according to many researchers.
机译:这些年来,R&D已经在不同的环境,经济和环境需求下进行了长期的研究。从早期的蓬勃发展的市场和1950年代的经济增长到如今竞争激烈的全球市场的转变,反映在研发管理的方式上。工业研究实验室Bell Labs,Xerox Park和Lockheed Martin Skunkworks等早期成功的故事已被更注重市场的3M等公司取代,诸如丰田和索尼等日本制造商的新产品迅速推出,以及诸如R&D合作的公司爱立信的公司网络围绕着“蓝牙”技术和标准。多年来,由于经济的结构和前提发生了变化,因此对R&D流程的看法也有所不同,最佳实践的推定也随之变化。许多研究人员在下面介绍了一种描述R&D领域发展的最近50年的尝试。



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