首页> 外文期刊>Marine ecology progress series >Reef height drives threshold dynamics of restored oyster reefs

Reef height drives threshold dynamics of restored oyster reefs


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Nonlinear threshold responses to biotic or abiotic forcing may produce multiple population trajectories dependent upon initial conditions, which can reinforce population recovery or drive local ex tinction, yet experimental tests of this phenomenon are lacking in marine ecosystems. In field experiments at 4 sites in 2 tributaries of lower Chesapeake Bay, we examined demographic responses (density and survival) of eastern oyster Crassostrea virginica populations to reef height and associated gradients in sediment deposition and habitat complexity. After 2 yr, oyster reefs exhibited diverging trajectories to ward either degradation or persistence, dependent upon initial reef height. Reefs higher than 0.3 m supported greater oyster density, survival, and reef complexity, whereas sediment deposition was reduced. Reefs lower than 0.3 m experienced heavy sediment deposition and were eventually buried. These observations (1) provide experimental evidence for threshold dynamics in marine species, (2) suggest that the collapse of oyster populations was largely due to anthropo genic habitat degradation that eliminated positive feed backs and which may have created an alternative reef trajectory towards local extinction, and (3) indicate an avenue by which oyster restoration is achievable.
机译:对生物或非生物强迫的非线性阈值响应可能会产生取决于初始条件的多种种群轨迹,这可能会增强种群恢复能力或推动局部灭绝,但海洋生态系统缺乏对此现象的实验性测试。在切萨皮克湾下游两个支流的4个地点进行的实地实验中,我们研究了东部牡蛎Crassostrea virginica种群对礁石高度以及相关沉积物沉积和生境复杂性梯度的人口响应(密度和生存率)。 2年后,牡蛎礁呈现出不同的轨迹,以防止退化或持久,这取决于初始礁石的高度。高于0.3 m的珊瑚礁可提供更高的牡蛎密度,存活率和珊瑚礁复杂性,而沉积物沉积则减少。小于0.3 m的珊瑚礁经历了沉重的沉积物沉积,最终被掩埋。这些观察结果(1)提供了海洋物种阈值动态的实验证据,(2)表明牡蛎种群的崩溃很大程度上是由于人为生境的退化,消除了积极的反馈,并且可能为局部灭绝创造了一条替代的礁石轨迹。 ,和(3)表示可实现牡蛎恢复的途径。



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