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Seagrass selection by omnivorous and herbivorous consumers: determining factors


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Consumers of seagrasses are increasingly recognized for their ability to shape landscape features and regulate energy flux in coastal ecosystems. To date, however, the nutritional characteristics and morphological features by which herbivores and omnivores make feeding decisions are poorly understood. To elucidate how consumers of marine vascular plants discriminate among different food resources, we conducted food-preference assays with seagrass leaves and seagrass-incorporated agar diets of the 3 most common seagrass species of the Gulf of Mexico (Thalassia tes-tudinum, Halodule wrightii and Syringodium filiforme). These 3 species were offered simultaneously to the most abundant local consumers: the omnivorous pinfish Lagodon rhomboides and filefish Stephanolepis hispidus, the herbivorous emerald parrotfish Nicholstina usta, and the herbivorous sea urchin Lytechinus variegatus. Consumption rates (g fresh weight [FW]) of leaves or seagrass-incorpo-rated agar diets were estimated over 24 h periods. Measured plant properties included C:N, N:P, total carbohydrates, protein and lipid concentrations, caloric content, percentage of organic matter, water and ash. Results showed that S. filiforme was preferred by all fish species (81, 60.2 and 59% of total leaf consumption of pinfish, filefish and parrotfish, respectively), whereas sea urchins consumed the highest amounts of H. wrightii (71.2% of total). However, when leaf structure was removed, by incorporating ground leaf tissue into agar matrices, pinfish and filefish did not show any significant dietary preference. In contrast, parrotfish and sea urchins maintained their preferences for S. filiforme and H. wrightii, respectively. Parrotfish preference for S. filiforme coincided with highest lipid and carbohydrate contents, whereas the preference of sea urchins for H. wrightii could be explained by higher levels of the percentage of organic matter and caloric content. Our results suggest that structural plant features (e.g. leaf manipulability and/or visual recognition of resources) are the most important factors driving discrimination between seagrass species by omnivorous fish, whereas strict herbivores make feeding decisions that are highly influenced by nutritional characteristics, presumably as recognized by both olfaction and gustation.
机译:海草的消费者能够塑造景观特征并调节沿海生态系统的能量通量,因此受到越来越多的认可。然而,迄今为止,人们对草食动物和杂食动物做出喂养决定的营养特征和形态特征知之甚少。为了阐明海洋维管植物的消费者如何区分不同的食物资源,我们使用了海草叶和掺有海草的琼脂饮食,对墨西哥湾的三种最常见海草物种(Thalessia tes-tudinum,Halodule wrightii和丝状丁香)。同时向最丰富的本地消费者提供了这3种:杂食性针鱼Lagodon rhomboides和Filefish hispidus,草食性翡翠鹦嘴鱼Nicholstina usta和草食性海胆varitech。估计在24小时内叶片或海草掺入琼脂饮食的食用率(克鲜重[FW])。测得的植物特性包括C:N,N:P,总碳水化合物,蛋白质和脂质浓度,卡路里含量,有机质百分比,水和灰分。结果表明,所有鱼类都喜欢丝状葡萄球菌(分别占针鱼,斑鱼和鹦嘴鱼叶片总消费量的81%,60.2和59%),而海胆的赖氏梭菌含量最高(占总食用量的71.2%) 。但是,当去除叶片结构时,通过将地面的叶片组织掺入琼脂基质中,针鱼和file鱼没有显示任何明显的饮食偏好。相比之下,鹦嘴鱼和海胆分别保持了对丝状葡萄球菌和W. wrightii的偏好。鹦嘴鱼对丝状链霉菌的偏好与最高的脂质和碳水化合物含量相吻合,而海胆对Wrightii的偏好则可以用较高水平的有机物含量和热量含量来解释。我们的结果表明,植物的结构特征(例如叶的可操纵性和/或资源的视觉识别)是导致杂食性鱼类区分海草物种的最重要因素,而严格的食草动物做出的饲喂决定受营养特性的影响很大,大概是公认的通过嗅觉和味觉。



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