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The Role of Indian Navy in Maintaining Peace in Indian Ocean Region


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The Indian Ocean has probably affected humanity more profoundly than any other ocean. Through the continuum of history, this region has been significant in geo-politics and in the evolution of mankind. Some of the world's oldest civilisations germinated here and for several millennia, flourished in the region's abundant natural wealth. Major religions such as Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam etc. originated here and fanned out to rest of the world, mostly through sea routes, making the Indian Ocean Region (IOR) a melting pot of myriad societies. Hindered by natural barriers on the continental landmass, the interaction between cultures took place over the sea, predominantly through benign expeditions and trade. While maritime piracy and maritime terrorism are more obvious, there are other non-conventional challenges, such as illegal arms trade, drug and human trafficking, poaching etc, which continue to engage our attention and resources on a regular basis.



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