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A Vision of Safety for the Australian Outback


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Some indviiduals are farsighted seers—prophets of the future, of trends to come. John Flynn was for the inhabitants of the Australian outback possibly their greatest prophetic voice. In the early 1900s,Flynn envisaged a network of care for those in isolated regions and founded the Australian Inland Mission (AIM). His foresight spread across decades of conflict and depression, boom and stagnation into the twenty-first century. Flynn's vision arose from humble origins and was built on work already underway.Born on 2 November 1880, Flynn was the second son of Thomas, a teacher of limited means, and Rosetta Flynn. After attending rural schools and boarding at the then private University High School in Carlton, Melbourne, financial constraints meant that Flynn was unable to enrol at the University of Melbourne. This led to employment as a pupil teacher with the Education Department and he also undertook training in photography, in which he delighted, and first aid.
机译:一些人是有远见的先知,是未来,未来趋势的先知。约翰·弗林(John Flynn)供澳大利亚内陆地区的居民使用,这可能是他们最大的先知之声。 1900年代初期,弗林设想为偏远地区的人们建立一个护理网络,并成立了澳大利亚内陆特派团(AIM)。他的远见遍布二十世纪的冲突和沮丧,繁荣和停滞。弗林(Flynn)的远见起源于卑微的工作,其基础是已经进行的工作.1880年11月2日出生的弗林是托马斯(Thomas)和罗塞塔·弗林(Rosetta Flynn)的次子。在就读于乡村学校并在当时位于墨尔本卡尔顿的私立大学高中寄宿后,经济拮据意味着弗林无法入读墨尔本大学。这导致他被教育部聘为学生教师,他还接受了摄影培训,他对此感到高兴和急救。



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