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Rossby waves on the Sun as revealed by solar 'hills'


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It is a long-standing puzzle that the Sun's photosphere—its visible surface—rotates differentially, with the equatorial regions rotating faster than the poles. It has been suggested that waves analogous to terrestrial Rossby waves, and known as r-mode oscillations, could explain the Sun's differential rotation: Rossby waves are seen in the oceans as large-scale (hundreds of kilometres) variations of sea-surface height (5-cm-high waves), which propagate slowly either east or west (they could take tens of years to cross the Pacific Ocean). Calculations show that the solar r-mode oscillations have properties that should be strongly constrained by differential rotation. Here we report the detection of 100-m-high 'hills' in the photosphere, spaced uniformly over the Sun's surface with a spacing of (8.7 ± 0.6) X 10~4 km. If convection under the photosphere is organized by the r-modes, the observed corrugated photosphere is a probable surface manifestation of these solar oscillations.
机译:一个长期存在的难题是,太阳的光球-它的可见表面-旋转不同,赤道区域的旋转速度快于两极。有人提出,与陆地Rossby波类似的波被称为r模振荡,可以解释太阳的旋转差:Rossby波在海洋中被视为海平面高度的大规模(数百公里)变化( 5厘米高的波浪),向东或向西缓慢传播(它们可能需要数十年才能穿越太平洋)。计算表明,太阳r模式振荡具有应受到差速旋转强烈限制的特性。在这里,我们报告了在光球中检测到100米高的“山丘”的情况,该山丘在太阳表面均匀分布,间距为(8.7±0.6)X 10〜4 km。如果光圈下的对流是由r模式组织的,则观察到的波纹状光圈可能是这些太阳振荡的表面表现。



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