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Molecular growth from a Mo_(176) to a Mo_(248) cluster


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In polyoxometalate chemistry a large variety of compounds, clusters and solid-state structures can be formed by the linking together of well-defined metal-oxygen building blocks. These species exhibit unusual topological and electronic properties, and find applications ranging from medicine to industrial processes. The recently reported ring-shaped mixed-valence polyoxomolybdates of the type {Mo_(154)} (refs 5, 6) and {Mo_(176)} (refs 7, 8) represent a new class of giant clusters with nanometre-sized cavities and interesting properties for host-guest chemistry. Here we describe the formation of related clusters of the type {Mo_(248)} formed by addition of further units to the inner surface of the {Mo_(176)} 'wheel'. The additional units arrange themselves into two {Mo_(36)} 'hub-caps' on the initial wheel—clusters that are not stable in isolation. These findings reveal a new pathway to the development of complex coordination clusters.



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