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Mechanism of the biological response to winter cooling in the northeastern Arabian Sea


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THE Arabian Sea is one of the most biologically productive ocean regions, mainly due to the up welling of nutrients during the summer (southwest) monsoon. But the northern Arabian Sea continues to sustain fairly high biological production after the upwelling season and during much of the 'winter (northeast) monsoon. The processes that enable this high writer productivity have hitherto been poorly understood, being variously attributed to surface cooling effects or wind-driven changes in ocean circulation. Here we present physical, .chemical and biological data that indicate that sea surface cooling drives convection processes that lead to the injection of nutrients up into the surface waters of the northeastern Arabian Sea during winter, and that this mechanism of nutrient supply is a dominant control on winter productivity. 'Observed seasonal changes in bacterial and microzooplankton populations may provide an explanation for the Arabian Sea 'paradox that mesozooplankton biomass remains more or less invariable throughout the year.
机译:阿拉伯海是生物生产力最高的海洋地区之一,主要是由于夏季(西南)季风期间养分的上升。但是在上升季节之后和整个“冬季(东北)季风”之后,阿拉伯海北部仍继续保持较高的生物产量。迄今为止,人们对使这种高记录器生产率高的过程了解甚少,这归因于地表降温效应或海洋环流的风驱动变化。在这里,我们提供了物理,化学和生物数据,这些数据表明海表冷却驱动对流过程,从而导致在冬季向阿拉伯阿拉伯海的表层水注入养分,而养分供应的这种机制是主要的控制手段冬季生产力。 '观察到的细菌和微浮游动物种群的季节性变化可能为阿拉伯海'悖论提供了解释,即中浮游生物的生物量全年或多或少保持不变。



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