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Dealing with climate change in the German Wadden Sea: Perceptions, measures, and contestation on Hallig Hooge

机译:应对德国瓦登海的气候变化:Hallig Hooge的看法,措施和争论

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The Halligen in the German North Sea are a special type of island that are highly exposed to the adverse impacts of climate change. How do the Halligen adapt to these impacts, and what are the controversies and conflicts surrounding the adaptation process? In line with the recent "political turn" in critical adaptation research, we understand adaptation as a social and political-and therefore inherently contested-process. To uncover the contested nature of adaptation, we carried out a case study of Hallig Hooge, the largest inhabited Hallig, based on semi-structured interviews with Hallig residents. We first examine how the local population on Hallig Hooge perceives and responds to the impacts of climate change. In a second step, we then identify tensions or controversies that surround the adaptation process. The interviews reveal a high level of climate change awareness. The local population notices many different changes, but does not necessarily perceive these as threatening, not least because a range of adaptation measures is available and partly already being implemented. While the population approves of adaptation in principle, there are inherent tensions. Notably, we identify three partly overlapping controversies regarding, first, a general dichotomy of man vs. nature; second, the role of different actors and types of knowledge; and third, the objective of adaptation. Hence, the local population questions many regulations and restrictions associated with environmental protection; feels that their experience and local knowledge is not taken seriously enough; and worries that too many innovations may fundamentally change the character of the Hallig. Overall, the adaptive capacity of Hallig Hooge is high, but long-term climate change and adaptation to it raise the question of what it is that should be protected and preserved. This question is a political one, and it can only be answered through dialogue with the local population.
机译:德国北海的哈利根(Halliben)是一种特殊类型的岛屿,极易受到气候变化的不利影响。哈里根如何适应这些影响?围绕适应过程的争议和冲突是什么?与最近的适应性研究中的“政治转折”相一致,我们将适应理解为社会和政治的过程,因此是固有的竞争过程。为了揭示适应性的争议性质,我们根据对Hallig居民的半结构化访谈,对最大的Hallig居民Hallig Hooge进行了案例研究。我们首先研究哈利格·胡格(Hallig Hooge)上的当地居民如何感知和应对气候变化的影响。在第二步中,我们然后确定围绕适应过程的紧张关系或争议。访谈表明人们对气候变化的认识很高。当地居民注意到许多不同的变化,但不一定认为这些变化具有威胁性,这不仅是因为有一系列适应措施可用,而且部分已经在实施。尽管人们原则上同意适应,但存在固有的紧张关系。值得注意的是,我们确定了三个部分重叠的争议,首先是人与自然的二分法。第二,不同参与者的作用和知识类型;第三,适应的目标。因此,当地居民质疑与环境保护有关的许多法规和限制。认为他们的经验和当地知识不够重视;并且担心太多的创新可能从根本上改变哈里格的性格。总体而言,Hallig Hooge的适应能力很高,但是长期的气候变化及其适应性提出了一个问题,即应该保护和保存什么。这个问题是政治性的,只能通过与当地居民的对话来回答。



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