首页> 外文期刊>Perspectives on global development and technology >Sanctioned to Survive: How Foreign Firms Perform when Economic Sanctions Affect their Business Relationships-A Study of Contemporary Economic Sanction Actions and their Impact

Sanctioned to Survive: How Foreign Firms Perform when Economic Sanctions Affect their Business Relationships-A Study of Contemporary Economic Sanction Actions and their Impact


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The intent of this study is to examine the effects of economic sanctions on companies with significant fdi operating in the sanctioned country. Using case study methodology, we consider the impact of sanctions imposed on the Russian Federation (rf) by the United States of America for its intrusion into the sovereign rights of Ukraine. Past sanction events in South Africa and pre-RF formation are reviewed. Two measurable frameworks are developed to study strategies based on 'divestment and non-divestment' (Malone and Goodin 1997) dimensions and coupled with variables related to 'direct and indirect' effects on financial performance, forgone potential, (Losman 1988) and foreign direct investment (Biglaiser and Lektzian 2011). This research also relies on the historical accounts of Hufbauer et al. (2007) for the compilation of facts related to economic sanctions. Through literature review, the study asks: 1) Strategically, how does a company respond to the economic sanctions imposed by its home country on the sanctioned country in which it has significant fdi? 2) Financially, how do economic sanctions affect the company's performance and fdi? and 3) Organizationally, how do economic sanctions affect the relationships with those recipient companies of fdi? The study focus is on the energy industry in which the rf economy relies upon for 40 percent of its sustainability and the company of focus is Exxon Mobil (xom). The author readily acknowledges that a single case study may not provide the degree of conclusiveness found in a cross-case study format. However, the outcome of the study does provide a template for use in future case reviews.
机译:这项研究的目的是检验经济制裁对在制裁国家中拥有大量外国直接投资的公司的影响。我们使用案例研究方法,考虑了美利坚合众国由于侵犯乌克兰主权而对俄罗斯联邦实施的制裁的影响。回顾了南非过去的制裁事件和RF成立之前的事件。开发了两个可衡量的框架来研究基于“资产剥离和非资产剥离”(Malone和Goodin 1997)维度,以及与“直接和间接”对财务绩效的影响,已丧失的潜力(Losman 1988)和外国直接投资有关的变量投资(Biglaiser和Lektzian,2011年)。该研究还依赖于Hufbauer等人的历史记载。 (2007年)汇编有关经济制裁的事实。通过文献综述,该研究提出以下问题:1)从战略上讲,公司如何应对母国对其拥有大量外国直接投资的受制裁国家实施的经济制裁? 2)在财务上,经济制裁如何影响公司的业绩和外国直接投资? 3)从组织上讲,经济制裁如何影响与外国直接投资的接受公司的关系?该研究的重点是能源行业,射频经济依靠其40%的可持续性发展,而重点关注的公司是埃克森美孚(xom)。作者欣然承认,单个案例研究可能无法提供跨案例研究形式的结论性程度。但是,研究结果的确为将来的病例审查提供了模板。



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