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Translating Kung Fu Panda's kung fu-related elements: cultural representation in dubbing and subtitling


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Regarding dubbing and subtitling choices as comparable cultural solutions, this article examines different translation strategies, employed by both professional audiovisual translators and amateur subtitlers of five Chinese versions for Kung Fu Panda (i.e. three licensed versions dubbed respectively in Cantonese, Standard Mandarin, and Taiwan Mandarin; two fan/amateur subtitled versions), for rendering kung fu-related elements. The findings presented in this article show that both professional audiovisual translators and amateur subtitlers have a strong preference for interventional strategies (i.e. adaptation, rephrasing, replacement). Their cultural decisions are motivated by contextual considerations (e.g. film genre, audience expectations, matching words and images, coherence and understanding) rather than being restricted by constraints such as synchronization and space restriction, which highlights audiovisual translators' active role in cultural representation.
机译:关于配音和字幕选择作为可比的文化解决方案,本文研究了不同的翻译策略,它们由专业视听翻译和业余字幕制作,包括五种中文版的功夫熊猫(即三种许可版本,分别以粤语,标准普通话和台湾普通话配音) ;两个带有字幕的风扇/业余版本,用于渲染与功夫相关的元素。本文提供的调查结果表明,专业的视听翻译和业余字幕制作者都非常喜欢干预策略(即适应,措辞,替换)。他们的文化决定是受情境因素(例如电影体裁,观众期望,匹配的单词和图像,连贯性和理解)的激励,而不是受到诸如同步和空间限制等约束条件的约束,这凸显了视听翻译在文化表征中的积极作用。



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