
Kinetic enhancement of NF-κB-DNA dissociation by IκBα


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A hallmark of the NF-κB transcription response to inflammatory cytokines is the remarkably rapid rate of robust activation and subsequent signal repression. Although the rapidity of postinduc-tion repression is explained partly by the fact that the gene for IκBα is strongly induced by NF-κB, the newly synthesized IκBα: still must enter the nucleus and compete for binding to NF-κB with the very large number of κB sites in the DNA. We present results from real-time binding kinetic experiments, demonstrating that IκBα increases the dissociation rate of NF-κB from the DNA in a highly efficient kinetic process. Analysis of various IκB mutant proteins shows that this process requires the C-terminal PEST sequence and the weakly folded fifth and sixth ankyrin repeats of IκBα. Muta-tional stabilization of these repeats reduces the efficiency with which IκBα enhances the dissociation rate.



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