首页> 外文期刊>Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America >Learning and memory associated with aggression in Drosophila melanogaster

Learning and memory associated with aggression in Drosophila melanogaster


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Male Drosophila melanogaster (Canton-S strain) exhibit aggression in competition for resources, to defend territory, and for access to mates. In the study reported here, we asked: (i) how long flies fight; (ii) whether flies adopt distinct winning and losing strategies as hierarchical relationships are established; (iii) whether flies exhibit experience-dependent changes in fighting strategies in later fights; and (iv) whether flies fight differently in second fights against familiar or unfamiliar opponents. The results showed that flies fought for up to 5 h. As hierarchical relationships were established, behavioral strategies changed: winners progressively lunged more and retreated less, whereas losers progressively lunged less and retreated more. Encounters between flies were frequent during the first 10 min of pairing and then dropped significantly. To ask whether flies remembered previous fights, they were re-paired with familiar or unfamiliar opponents after 30 min of separation. in familiar pairings, there were fewer encounters during the first 10 min of fighting than in unfamiliar pairings, and former losers fought differently against familiar winners than unfamiliar winners. Former losers lost or no decision was reached in all second fights in pairings with familiar or unfamiliar winners or with naive flies. Winner/winner, loser/loser, and naiveaive pairings revealed that losers used low-intensity strategies in later fights and were unlikely to form new hierarchical relationships, compared with winners or socially naive flies. These results strongly support the idea that learning and memory accompany the changes in social status that result from fruit fly fights.
机译:雄果蝇(Canton-S菌株)在争夺资源,保卫领土和与伴侣交往方面表现出侵略性。在这里报告的研究中,我们问:(i)苍蝇战斗多长时间; (ii)在建立等级关系时,果蝇是否采用独特的赢和输策略; (iii)苍蝇在以后的战斗中是否表现出取决于经验的战斗策略变化; (iv)在与熟悉或不熟悉的对手进行的第二场战斗中,果蝇是否有不同的战斗方式。结果表明,果蝇战斗了长达5小时。随着等级关系的建立,行为策略也发生了变化:胜利者渐渐向内猛击,而后退则少,而失败者渐渐向后突击,而后退多。在配对的前10分钟内,苍蝇之间的碰很频繁,然后显着下降。为了询问苍蝇是否还记得以前的战斗,他们在间隔30分钟后与熟悉或不熟悉的对手重新配对。在熟悉的配对中,战斗的前10分钟遇到的次数少于陌生的配对,并且前输家与熟悉的获胜者进行的战斗有所不同。前输家输了,或者在所有第二场比赛中都与熟悉或不熟悉的获胜者或幼稚的苍蝇配对,没有做出任何决定。获胜者/获胜者,失败者/失败者和幼稚/幼稚的配对表明,失败者在后来的战斗中使用低强度策略,与获胜者或社交天真苍蝇相比,不太可能形成新的等级关系。这些结果有力地支持了以下观点:学习和记忆伴随着果蝇打架导致的社会地位变化。



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