首页> 外文期刊>Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America >Mantle cell lymphoma is characterized by inactivation of the ATM gene

Mantle cell lymphoma is characterized by inactivation of the ATM gene


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In mantle cell lymphoma (MCL), the translocation t(11:14) is con- sidered the cytogenetic hallmark of the disease. Recently, how- ever, deletion of the chromosomal region 11q22-q23 has been identified as a frequent event in this type of cancer, indicating the existence of a pathogenically relevant tumor suppressor gene in this region. The deleted segment contains the ATM (ataxia telan- giectasia mutated) gene. ATM is an interesting candidate as a tumor suppressor gene because constitutive inactivation of the gene predisposes ataxia telangiectasia patients to lymphoid ma- lignancies. To assess the potential involvement of the gene in MCL lymphomagenesis. we performed mutation analysis of ATM in 12 sporadic cases of MCL. 7 of them with a deletion of one ATM gene copy, by using single-strand conformation polymorphism analysis of reverse transcription--PCR-amplified mRNA and subsequent DNA sequencing. In all seven cases containing a deletion of one ATM allele, a point mutation in the remaining allele was detected, which resulted in aberrant transcript splicing, truncation, or alteration of the protein. In addition. biallelic ATM mutations were identified in two MCLs that did not contain 11 q deletions. Interestingly, in three cases analyzed, the ATM mutations detected in the tumor cells were not present in nonmalignant cells, demonstrating their so- matic rather than germ-line origin. The inactivation of both alleles of the ATM gene by deletion and deleterious point mutation in the majority of cases analyzed indicates that ATM plays a role in the initiation and/or progression of MCL.



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