首页> 外文期刊>Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America >Experimental removal of sexual selection reverses intersexual antagonistic coevolution and removes a reproductive load

Experimental removal of sexual selection reverses intersexual antagonistic coevolution and removes a reproductive load


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Although sextial selection can provide bene- fits to both sexes, it also can be costly because of expanded opportunities for intersexual conflict. We evaluated the role of sexual selection in a naturally promiscuous species, Drosophila meianogaster. In two replicate populations, sexual selection was removed through enforced monogamous mating with random mate assignment or retained in promiscuous con- trols. Monogamous mating constrains the reproductive suc- cess of mates to be identical, thereby converting prior conflicts between mates into opportunities for mutualism. Random mate assignment removes the opportunity for females to choose beueficial qualities in their mate. The mating treat- ments were maintained for 47 generations, and evolution was allowed to proceed naturally within the parameters of the design. In the monogamous populations, males evolved to be less harmful to their mates, and females evolved to be less resistant to male-induced harm. The monogamous popula- tions also evolved a greater net reproductive rate than their promiscuous controls. These results indicate a potentially widespread cost of sexual selection caused by conflicts inher- ent to promiscuity.



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