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An ASM-based Formal Model of a Java Program


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We have introduced a formal model (high-level operational machine) of a sequential Java-like program in the style of abstract state machines. An algebraic model of an object class of an object-oriented programming language has been elaborated with this aim. As a result, the denotational semantics of the basic class components (fields, constructors, and methods) has been defined for the subsequent use for interpreting expressions and statements. This is the denotational part of the approach suggested. The transition of our machine from one state to another is the operational part of the approach. The use of the formal operational machine made it possible to get a high level of abstraction, which cannot be obtained in a pure operational approach, and simplicity of mapping, which cannot be obtained in a pure denotational approach based on the use of some universal mathematical structures as denotations. Each object in our machine possesses a state and a unique identity. An object identity is represented by a reference that is an element of a special reference sort. The state is represented by a number of instance variables, whose values can be updated. These variables are naturally defined in the model as functions on the sets of references undefined on the value null. The object state can be observed or updated by a method that is a state-dependent function. The result of an updating method is an update set, which is a well-defined mathematical structure. Therefore, the semantics of such a method is given by a set of functions producing update sets. The state is an implicit parameter for all method declarations and an implicit result for state updating methods, like in Java and other object-oriented pro- gramming languages. This also allowed us to make the declaration methods similar to their declarations in Java-like languages. We have shown that our model supports all important aspects of Java-like languages, namely, inheritance, overloading, overriding, and late binding. Because of lack of space, several interesting aspects of the model have not been presented in this paper. Primarily, this concerns expressions, statements, and exceptions, which will be considered in a following paper. Local class definitions, multipackage programs, dynamic class loading also need further study which is underway.



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