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A bioarchaeological study of osteoarthritis among populations of northern China and Mongolia during the Bronze Age to Iron Age transition to nomadic pastoralism


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This paper examines data on joint disease among archaeological populations of several sites within northern China and Mongolia to test hypotheses about cultural uniformity among pastoralists and potential changes in the levels and types of activities during the Bronze Age to early Iron Age transition from mixed economies to mounted pastoralism. Despite continuing debate on the etiology of osteoarthritis, there is general consensus that joint use is an important contributor to joint disease. The vertebrae and major limb joints (shoulder, elbow, wrist/hand, hip, knee, and ankle/foot) of adult samples from these two periods were analyzed for prevalence and patterns of joint disease with respect to sex, age, time period, and location. There were only two joint regions with a significant difference between males and females: at the elbow, where males had a higher prevalence, and at the hip, where it was higher among females. The findings indicated a positive relationship between age and osteoarthritis, and that the spine was one of the most affected areas, along with the elbow and knee. Between the two time periods, while not at the level of significance, there was a pattern of higher prevalence of osteoarthritis in the vertebrae and upper limb joints among the Iron Age sample, while the Bronze Age sample had higher rates within the lower limb joints. These findings suggest different mechanical stresses between the two periods, perhaps associated with changes from mobility by foot in the Bronze Age to increased mounted mobility during the Iron Age, including mounted warfare. However, when comparing the individual sites within the two periods and within geographic regions, there was no distinct pattern, as there was much variation within both the Bronze Age and the Iron Age sites, as well as within regions. These varied results among sites and regions suggest that were was no uniform pastoral way of life or movement that imprinted clear patterns of osteoarthritis among pastoral samples. Instead, these data suggest that varied activities, movements, and perhaps mixed economic practices and workload among the sexes may have been characteristic among the "pastoral" groups of the Inner Asian steppe. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd and INQUA. All rights reserved.
机译:本文研究了中国北方和蒙古境内数个地点的考古种群之间的关节病数据,以检验关于牧民文化统一性以及在青铜时代到铁器时代早期(从混合经济过渡到经济过渡)活动水平和类型的潜在变化的假设牧民主义。尽管关于骨关节炎的病因一直存在争议,但人们普遍认为,联合使用是导致关节疾病的重要因素。分析了这两个时期的成人样本的椎骨和主要四肢关节(肩部,肘部,腕部/手部,髋部,膝盖和踝部/脚部)的性别,年龄,时间段,和位置。男性和女性之间只有两个关节区域有显着差异:在肘部,男性患病率较高;在臀部,女性中患病率较高。这些发现表明年龄与骨关节炎之间存在正相关,脊柱是肘部和膝盖最受影响的地区之一。在两个时间段之间,虽然没有达到显着性水平,但在Iron Age样本中,椎骨和上肢关节的骨关节炎患病率较高,而Bronze Age样本在下肢关节中的患病率较高。这些发现表明,这两个时期之间的机械应力不同,这可能与从青铜时代的步行活动到铁器时代的坐骑活动(包括坐骑)的变化有关。但是,在比较两个时期内和地理区域内的单个站点时,没有明显的模式,因为在青铜时代和铁器时代的站点内以及区域内都有很大的差异。这些在地点和地区之间不同的结果表明,这不是统一的田园生活方式或运动,在田园样本中印有清晰的骨关节炎模式。取而代之的是,这些数据表明,内亚草原“牧区”群体的特征可能是各种活动,动作以及混合的经济实践和男女之间的工作量。 (C)2015 Elsevier Ltd和INQUA。版权所有。



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