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The Routledge Encyclopedia of Films


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Nearly two hundred essays analysing the most important, influential, innovative and interesting films of all time" runs the dust jacket blurb for this new encyclopedia. This bold pronouncement is somewhat at odds with the actual aim of the volume's editors, UK and US-based academics who have marshalled contributions from over 70 other established scholars and doctoral candidates in film. As Barrow, Haenni and White make clear in their introduction, their aim is to "encourage adoption of a wider viewing experience", thus paying attention to works representative of national cinemas and independent films, as well as to familiar "classic" works (p. (ⅹⅹ), p. (ⅹⅸ)). The ensuing book impresses with its organisation and sheer international breadth, even if it is a little uneven in places in terms of content and raises inevitable contentions over some editorial omissions.



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