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Environmental History Resources


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The Environmental History Resources website is created and maintained by Dr Jan Oosthoek, an environmental historian working at the University of Edinburgh in Scotland. The purpose of the website is to provide information and resources for researchers, students and lecturers in environmental history and related fields. The topics covered include "public health, conservation, preservation of nature, smoke abatement, municipal housekeeping, occupational disease, air pollution and water pollution, and generally the historical interaction between culture and nature".rnThe information and resources are organized according to six unique sections; each section is clearly identified on the homepage, and a description of each section is provided. A customized search engine driven by Google provides another gateway to locate information. However, the results returned were limited and less useful. An RSS feed and a Widget for Mac OS is available for users who wish to subscribe to the news and updates sections of the website. Navigation tabs allow users to access general information about the webpage and a list of annotated links; users can also review or post to the section on news/events related to the field.
机译:环境历史资源网站由苏格兰爱丁堡大学的环境历史学家Jan Oosthoek博士创建和维护。该网站的目的是为环境历史及相关领域的研究人员,学生和讲师提供信息和资源。涵盖的主题包括“公共卫生,自然保护,自然保护,减少烟尘,市政清洁,职业病,空气污染和水污染,以及文化与自然之间的历史互动”。信息和资源根据六个独特的方面进行组织部分;主页上清楚地标识了每个部分,并提供了每个部分的说明。由Google驱动的定制搜索引擎提供了另一个定位信息的网关。但是,返回的结果是有限的,并且用途不大。希望订阅网站新闻和更新部分的用户可以使用RSS feed和Mac OS的Widget。导航选项卡允许用户访问有关网页的一般信息以及带注释的链接的列表;用户还可以查看或发布有关该领域的新闻/事件的部分。



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