首页> 外文期刊>Pomiary Automatyka Kontrola >Transformacja rozmytej interpretowanej sieci Petriego na schemat uk?adu logicznego

Transformacja rozmytej interpretowanej sieci Petriego na schemat uk?adu logicznego


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W pracy przedstawiono teoretyczne podstawy nowego rodzaju rozmytej, interpretowanej sieci Petriego, opisuj?c i uzasadniaj?c zaproponowan? struktur? topologiczn? i jej interpretacj?. Przedstawiono u?yteczn? w praktyce metod? odwzorowania uk?adowego tej sieci, podaj?c konkretny sposób transformacji jej diagramu na schemat logiczny, zbudowany z rozmytych elementów kombinacyjnych i sekwencyjnych. Schemat ten mo?e by? podstaw? do generowania kodu programu steruj?cego dla sterowników przemys?owych PLC.%The fuzzy Petri nets are applied above all as advisory or monitoring systems. The nets take into account both binary and multivalued (analog) signals appearing in the observed system. Only a few works are devoted to using these nets directly for control [3, 4, 5]. The fuzzy interpreted Petriego net defined in this paper belongs to low-level nets, used for modelling systems based on FPGA devices or industrial controllers. The net enables presenting the control algorithm in a graphical (diagram of the net) or algebraic (incidence matrix) form [7], which makes the analysis of its properties already at the stage of the abstract synthesis easier. Moreover, this net allows including quantitative changes occurring in the system, not losing natural interpretation of transferring the marker through the transition. In the paper basic definitions of the fuzzy interpreted Petriego net describing the net construction and functioning are given. The transformation method of this net into a logic circuit based on fuzzy combinational and sequential circuits is proposed. All essential elements for this conversion, i.e. the modified fuzzy SR flip-flop (8), the activation circuit (Fig. 2) and the fuzzy gate based on bounded product (6) are described. The examples of connecting these elements are shown (Figs. 3-6) and a manner of their synchronization is described. The logic circuit obtained in this way can be a basis for generating the code of the control program for industrial controllers and lead to partial automation of this process.



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