
Progression By Percolation


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Hand on heart, do you consider occupational safety and health (OSH) to be a profession? Do you genuinely believe it embodies all the necessary characteristics of a profession, and, if not, how could these be developed?rnImagine for a moment that you've been given the job of developing an occupation, or a semi-profession into a profession - where would you start? What you need to embark on is the 'professionalisation' process. And, as with any project that involves developing something, the starting point is to identify what the profession currently looks like.rnThe next step is to formulate a vision of what the profession should look like in the future. Once you have a clear picture of your starting point and future destination, the third step is to identify ways of getting from the current position to your envisaged state. The last stage is to implement the professionalisation strategies formulated at the third stage. It sounds simple and straightforward but, of course, it's not.



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