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Engineering behavior and correlated parameters from obtained results of sand-silt mixtures


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The results of an experimental study on sands with low-plastic silt content are presented. Flexible wall permeameter tests, drained and undrained triaxial compression tests, one-dimensional consolidation tests, and undrained cyclic triaxial tests were performed on specimens with a low plastic silt content of 0%, 15%, 30%, 40%, 50% and 60% by weight. The soil specimens were tested under three different categories: (1) at a constant void ratio index; (2) at the same peak deviator stress in a triaxial test; and (3) at a constant relative density. The results were observed to be somewhat different from previous studies with non-plastic silt content and plastic fine content. Cyclic triaxial tests showed that an increase in silt content causes a decrease in the cyclic resistance ratio with a silt content up to 40-50% and thereafter causes an increase in the cyclic resistance ratio with further increases in silt content. The results of triaxial tests indicated that the value of the peak deviator stress changed with different types of specimens, and the greater internal friction an angle has, the stronger is the liquefaction resistance. Flexible wall permeameter tests concluded that the saturated hydraulic conductivity slowly decreases with an increase in silt content in the range from 0% to 30% and considerably decreases with a silt content greater than 30%. A one-dimensional consolidation test postulated that increasing silt content decreases the coefficient of consolidation. In addition, the global void ratio did not appear to be a pertinent parameter in explaining the behavior of sand-silt mixtures, while fine content and intergranular void ratio were suitable parameters for explaining the behavior of sand-silt mixtures. Finally, correlated parameters from obtained results were also presented in this study. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
机译:给出了低塑性粉砂含量的砂的实验研究结果。在低塑料淤泥含量分别为0%,15%,30%,40%,50%和60的样品上进行了柔性壁渗透计测试,排水和不排水三轴压缩测试,一维固结测试和不排水循环三轴测试重量百分比。在三个不同的类别下对土壤样本进行了测试:(1)在恒定的空隙率指数下; (2)在三轴试验中在相同的峰值偏应力下进行; (3)相对密度恒定。观察到的结果与以前的非塑性淤泥含量和塑性细粒含量研究有所不同。循环三轴试验表明,淤泥含量的增加会引起循环电阻比的降低,而淤泥含量高达40-50%,此后会导致循环电阻比的增加,而淤泥含量会进一步增加。三轴试验的结果表明,随着样品种类的不同,峰值偏应力的值也发生了变化,并且一个角度的内摩擦越大,抗液化性越强。挠性壁渗透仪测试得出的结论是,饱和水导率随泥沙含量在0%至30%范围内的增加而缓慢降低,而当泥沙含量大于30%时则明显降低。一维固结试验假定增加粉砂含量会降低固结系数。另外,总体空隙率似乎不是解释砂-粉混合物性能的相关参数,而细颗粒含量和晶间空隙率却是解释砂-粉混合物性能的合适参数。最后,本研究还介绍了所得结果的相关参数。 (C)2015 Elsevier Ltd.保留所有权利。



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