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The Metaphysics of Ethical Love: Comparing Practical Vedanta and Feminist Ethics


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In this paper I compare two very different deployments of love in ethics. Swami Vivekananda's concept of ethical love ties into the project of constructing an alternative masculinity for a colonized people; while feminist care ethics uses love to escape the perceived masculinity of traditional ethical theory. Using Kenneth Goodpaster's distinction between ‘framework questions’ and ‘application questions,’ I try to show that love in Practical Vedanta addresses the former while feminist care ethics concerns itself with the latter. Even though this difference, I suggest, could be a function of their varying historical-political contexts, the two issues need to be taken together for a more complete understanding of the ethical subject.
机译:在本文中,我比较了道德中两种截然不同的爱情部署。斯瓦米·维维卡南达(Swami Vivekananda)的道德爱情观与为殖民地人民打造另类男性气质的项目有关。女权主义护理伦理则利用爱来逃脱传统伦理理论中被视为男性主义的特征。利用肯尼思·古德帕斯特(Kenneth Goodpaster)在“框架问题”和“应用问题”之间的区分,我试图证明《实用韦丹塔》中的爱是针对前者的,而女权主义护理伦理则与后者有关。我建议,尽管这种差异可能是由于其不同的历史政治背景而引起的,但为了更好地全面理解道德主题,需要将这两个问题放在一起。



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