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John Dee and the sciences: early modern networks of knowledge


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The significance of John Dee (1527-1609) for historians of science rests both on the range of his interests and activities, and the problems this range has caused for his biographers. A mathematician learned in British history, cartography, astrology and navigation, throughout his life Dee also became increasingly engaged with alchemy, kabbalah, divination, and communion with spirits. All of these interests, and more, were represented in his library, one of the largest and most comprehensive in Europe, particularly for scientific content. The range of his pursuits was famously tax-onomised in his account of 'the Sciences, and Artes Mathematicall' in the Mathematicall praeface to Henry Billingsley's English translation of Euclid's Elements (1570). Here, Dee's 'Groundplat' of the sciences laid out the applications of geometry and arithmetic not only in the fields of mathematics and natural philosophy, but also in 'thinges Supernaturall, aeternall, & Diuine.'
机译:约翰·迪(1527-1609)对科学史学家的意义在于他的兴趣和活动范围,以及这一范围对他的传记作者造成的问题。一位在英国历史,制图学,占星术和航海领域学习过的数学家,一生中,迪伊(Dee)也越来越多地从事炼金术,卡巴拉,占卜和与灵魂交流。他的图书馆代表了所有这些兴趣,甚至更多,这是欧洲最大,最全面的图书馆之一,尤其是出于科学目的。在亨利·比林斯利(Henry Billingsley)的英译本《欧几里得的元素》(Euclid's Elements,1570年)的英文译本中,“数学与艺术”一书中对他的研究范围进行了著名的税收减免。在这里,迪(Dee)的科学“地盘”(Groundplat)不仅在数学和自然哲学领域中,而且在“超自然事物,永恒事物和Diuine事物”中阐述了几何和算术的应用。



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