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An Elective Partnership: Salvaging Transatlantic Relations


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When the United States and Britain finally abandoned their efforts to gain Security Council approval for military intervention in Iraq, their leading officials made clear who, in their eyes, was to blame - not Russia, not China, but a NATO ally, France. The harsh words were a culmination of six of the most challenging months in the history of the NATO alliance -beginning with Vice-President Cheney's speech suggesting that the US might use force unilaterally to disarm Iraq and Chancellor Schroder's decision, in the waning days of the German election, to stake his future on outright opposition to any form of military action against Iraq. Although the unanimous adoption of Resolution 1441 in November 2002 seemed to offer a way out of the deepening rift, by January it was clear that the Alliance was facing its greatest crisis since Suez in 1956. US Secretary of Defence Donald Rumsfeld likened Germany to Libya and Cuba for its lack of support and German Foreign Minister angrily retorted with a blunt 'I am not convinced' at the NATO annual security-policy gathering in Munich.



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