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Verbal covering properties of topological spaces


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For any topological space X we study the relation between the universal uniformity u(X), the universal quasi-uniformity qu(X) and the universal pre-uniformity pu(X) on X. For a pre-uniformity u on a set X and a word v in the two-letter alphabet {+,-} we define the verbal power u(v) of u and study its boundedness numbers l(u(v)), l(u(v)), L(u(v)) and (L) over bar (u(v)). The boundedness numbers of (the Boolean operations over) the verbal powers of the canonical pre-uniformities pu(X), qu(X) and u(X) yield new cardinal characteristics l(v)(X), (l) over bar (v)(X), L-v (X), (L) over bar (v) (X), q(lv)(X), q (l) over bar (v) (X), qL(v) (X), q (L) over bar (v) (X), ul(X) of a topological space X, which generalize all known cardinal topological invariants related to (star-)covering properties. We study the relation of the new cardinal invariants l(v), (l) over bar (v) to classical cardinal topological invariants such as Lindelof number l, density d, and spread s. The simplest new verbal cardinal invariant is the foredensity l(-)(X) defined for a topological space X as the smallest cardinal n such that for any neighborhood assignment (O-x)(x is an element of x) there is a subset A subset of X of cardinality vertical bar A vertical bar <= kappa that meets each neighborhood O-x, x is an element of X. It is clear that l(-) (X) <= d(X) <= l(-)(X) . chi(X). We shall prove that l(-)(X) = d(X) if vertical bar X vertical bar < aleph(omega). On the other hand, for every singular cardinal kappa (with kappa <= 22(cf(kappa))) we construct a (totally disconnected) T-1-space X such that l(-)(X) = cf(kappa) < kappa = vertical bar X vertical bar = d(X). (C) 2015 Published by Elsevier B.V.
机译:对于任何拓扑空间X,我们研究X上的普遍均匀性u(X),普遍拟均匀性qu(X)和普遍预均匀性pu(X)之间的关系。对于集合X上的预先均匀性u和两个字母的字母{+,-}中的单词v,我们定义u的语言能力u(v)并研究其有界数l(u(v)),l(u(v)),L(u (v))和(L)超过(u(v))。规范预均匀性pu(X),qu(X)和u(X)的言语能力(布尔运算)的有界数产生新的基本特征l(v)(X),(l) (v)(X),Lv(X),(L)在(v)(X)上,q(lv)(X),q(l)在(v)(X),qL(v)上( X),q(L)在拓扑空间X的(v)(X),ul(X)上,它概括了与(星)覆盖特性有关的所有已知基本拓扑不变量。我们研究了新的基本不变式l(v),(l)超过bar(v)与经典基本拓扑不变式(例如Lindelof数l,密度d和散布s)的关系。最简单的新语言基本不变式是将拓扑空间X定义为最小基数n的取证l(-)(X),因此对于任何邻域赋值(Ox)(x是x的元素),都有一个子集A子集基数垂直线X的X垂直线<= kappa满足每个邻域Ox,x是X的元素。显然,l(-)(X)<= d(X)<= l(-)(X )。 chi(X)。如果竖线X竖线



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