首页> 外文期刊>Tropical Animal Health and Production >The potential role of an inactivated thermostable vaccine in the control of Newcastle disease in traditionally free-roaming poultry in Central and West Africa

The potential role of an inactivated thermostable vaccine in the control of Newcastle disease in traditionally free-roaming poultry in Central and West Africa


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In spite of the clinical and economic importance of Newcastle disease (ND), vaccination of traditional poultry flocks is not a common practice in Cameroon and other countries in West and Central Africa. This study was designed to demonstrate the importance of vaccination against ND and to propose a sustainable vaccination programme with a LaSota strain of NDV vaccine (Multivax) produced in Cameroon. It consisted of field vaccination trials, determination of a strategic vaccination programme through sero-monitoring and assessing vaccine keeping quality under field conditions. Twelve months monitoring of vaccinated flocks revealed that the epidemic periods of March–April and December–January passed without major incidence in flocks. Mortalities were reduced from above 90% in previous years to 10.8% and 24.6% in two experimental sites respectively. Vaccination antibodies were sustained above protection threshold for about 80 days. A booster administered 35 days after the priming dose did not have any effect on declining serum antibodies. The vaccine remained efficacious in eliciting antibody production for up to 10 weeks after initial use and kept at ambient temperature averaging 34°C. For good protection in a less intense vaccination programme, it would be necessary to administer the vaccine one month to the anticipated month of epidemic, thus requiring at least two campaigns per year.
机译:尽管纽卡斯尔病(ND)具有临床和经济意义,但传统的家禽疫苗接种在喀麦隆和西非和中非其他国家并不普遍。这项研究旨在证明针对ND疫苗的重要性,并提出一项可持续的疫苗接种计划,该计划应采用喀麦隆生产的LaSota NDV疫苗株(Multivax)。它包括现场疫苗接种试验,通过血清监测确定战略性疫苗接种计划以及评估现场条件下的疫苗保存质量。对接种疫苗的鸡群进行了十二个月的监测,发现3月至4月和12月至1月的流行期过去了,但鸡群没有大的发病率。在两个实验点,死亡率从前几年的90%以上降低到10.8%和24.6%。疫苗抗体持续维持超过保护阈值约80天。初免剂量后35天给予的加强剂量对下降的血清抗体没有任何影响。初次使用后,疫苗可有效引发抗体产生长达10周,并平均保持在34°C的环境温度下。为了在较低强度的疫苗接种计划中获得良好的保护,有必要在预期的流行病流行一个月到一个月内施用疫苗,因此每年至少需要开展两次运动。



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