首页> 外文期刊>Urban affairs review >Prospects for Grassroots Influence: Can We Be Realistic Without Being Fatalistic?

Prospects for Grassroots Influence: Can We Be Realistic Without Being Fatalistic?


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In The Fight for America's Schools, Barbara Ferman and her coauthors show parents and communities mobilizing in new and effective ways to resist or reconfigure threats imposed in the name of education reform. In this reflection on the volume, I discuss ways in which the political terrain has been changing and why these changes make the traditional model of organizing-neighborhood-based, localized, focused on education-specific arenas-problematic. Finally, taking off from the ideas and examples presented in the Ferman volume, I sketch out a more optimistic portrayal of why and how new approaches have a chance to succeed.
机译:在《为美国学校而战》中,芭芭拉·弗曼(Barbara Ferman)和她的合著者展示了父母和社区以新的有效方式动员起来,以抵制或重新配置以教育改革的名义施加的威胁。在对本书的反思中,我讨论了政治领域的变化方式以及这些变化为何使传统的基于组织邻居的本地化模型集中于针对特定教育领域的问题。最后,从《费曼》卷中提出的想法和示例中,我勾勒出一个更加乐观的描述,说明为什么以及如何使新方法成功。



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