首页> 中文期刊>船舶 >美国气垫登陆艇围裙技术发展及分析




The development of the skirt technology of US LCAC has been introduced in this paper. It can be found that the skirt technology has been developed and improved with the enhancement of the combat capability and overall characteristics, such as hovercraft loadage, seakeeping capability, life-cycle management system (LCMS), etc. Based on the advance calculation analysis and 3-D design software, it develops the lofting precision and lifespan of the skirt, reduces wave resistance, improves anti-pitchpole ability and sideslipping safety at high-speed, and decreases the deadweight to ease maintenance. Moreover, the development of the skirt has been validated by towing model test and full-scale trial during a long period. These technologies and scientiifc research are well worth referring at home.%文中介绍了美国气垫登陆艇(LCAC)围裙的技术发展历程,随着艇装载量、耐波性、全寿命周期维护等总体性能和作战使用要求的提高,围裙技术在不断发展改进。通过利用先进的计算分析及三维设计软件,提高了围裙设计放样精度与寿命,降低了波浪中阻力,改善高速抗埋首及侧滑安全性,减轻自重也减少了维护工作量。此外,围裙改进均经过拖曳船模试验以及实艇的长期运行考验。这些技术手段及科研思路值得国内学习与借鉴。



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