首页> 外文期刊>Hepatology: Official Journal of the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases >Real-time tissue elastography in the assessment of liver stiffness

Real-time tissue elastography in the assessment of liver stiffness


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We read with great interest the article by Ochi et al. in the October 2012 issue of Hepatology and would like to express important concerns that arise from the analysis of Fig. 2 in the online version of the article. The figure shows how to obtain the liver elastic ratio, that is, the ratio of strain elastography distribution in two selected regions of interest (ROIs). First, we want to point out that the ROI selected in the two images shown in Fig. 2A and Fig. 2B have different sizes, and both have a size that is much smaller compared with that of strain elas-tography's sample box. We believe that using an adjustable size of an ROI introduces a bias in calculating the elastic ratio. On the other hand, it is well known that in strain elastography the distribution of a color-coded strain in the sample box is complex. The criteria followed in choosing the size of the ROI and in positioning it in the sample box are not stated and they seem fairly subjective. There is a high risk of bias-which could hamper the results-when the examiner subjectively and arbitrarily chooses where to place the ROI for measurements in a complex color-coded strain area. In our opinion, a larger ROI, including all the area of the strain sample box, as has been done in other studies performed using strain elastography, takes into account the complex distribution of the strain. Furthermore, it has been shown that strain elastography shows a patchy pattern of colors as liver fibrosis progresses from hepatitis to cirrhosis, which could be overlooked by selecting a small ROI.



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