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Single-fastener, double-shear laminate bearing strength by tensile testing


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As composite materials are used more extensively in structural applications, some test methods that once were considered very specialized and, therefore, not widely used, have become more significant. Methods for testing laminate bearing strength are one example. Although polymer-matrix composites lend themselves to assembly by adhesive bonding, some joints require disassembly to permit interior access, thus allowing for replacement in the event of damage and/or ease of transport. In these cases, joints are fastened mechanically. Mechanically fastened joints can be complex, with multiple fasteners arranged in a pattern such that the individual fasteners share the applied loading in a prescribed way. Determining how much of the applied loading bypasses a given fastener to be carried by adjacent fasteners can be a complex process that must be addressed analytically and, perhaps, verified experimentally. Such investigations depend, however, on accurate data about the response of a single fastener in bearing contact with the laminate. The need for these data motivates much of the current use of laminate bearing strength test methods.



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