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Efficient algorithms for decomposing graphs under degree constraints


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Stiebitz [Decomposing graphs under degree constraints, J. Graph Theory 23 (1996) 321-324] proved that if every vertex v in a graph G has degree d (v) >= a (v) + b(v) + I (where a and b are arbitrarily given nonnegative integer-valued functions) then G has a nontrivial vertex partition (A, B) such that d(A) (v) >= a (v) for every v is an element of A and d(B) (v) >= b(v) for every v is an element of B. Kaneko [On decomposition of triangle-free graphs under degree constraints, J. Graph Theory 27 (1998) 7-91 and Diwan [Decomposing graphs with girth at least five under degree constraints, J. Graph Theory 33 (2000) 237-239] strengthened this result, proving that it suffices to assume d(v) >= a + b (a, b >= 1) or just d(v) >= a + b - 1 (a, b >= 2) if G contains no cycles shorter than 4 or 5, respectively. The original proofs contain nonconstructive steps. In this paper we give polynomial-time algorithms that find such partitions. Constructive general izati ons for k-partitions are also presented. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
机译:Stiebitz [在度约束下分解图,J。图论23(1996)321-324]证明,如果图G中的每个顶点v的度为d(v)> = a(v)+ b(v)+ I(其中a和b被任意赋予非负整数值函数),则G具有非平凡的顶点分区(A,B),使得每个v的d(A)(v)> = a(v)是A和d的元素(B)(v)> = b(v),每个v是B的元素。Kaneko [关于度约束下无三角图的分解,J。图论27(1998)7-91和Diwan [分解图J. Graph Theory 33(2000)237-239]的周长至少为5,J.Graph Theory 33(2000)237-239]加强了这一结果,证明足以假设d(v)> = a + b(a,b> = 1)或仅如果G不包含分别短于4或5的循环,则d(v)> = a + b-1(a,b> = 2)。原始证明包含非建设性步骤。在本文中,我们给出了找到这种划分的多项式时间算法。还介绍了k分区的构造性通用izati。 (c)2006 Elsevier B.V.保留所有权利。



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