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The Editor takes a closer look at some of this month's articles


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In this issue, two original papers, an excellent review by Dr Boulet (pp. 8-21) and an insightful editorial by Chapman and Salome (pp. 2-4), address various aspects of the link between obesity and asthma. The association between obesity and asthma is well established, but whether this is due to obesity causing symptoms through decondrtion-ing and dysfunctional breathing or is due to a more direct and causal effect is not clear [1-9]. The extent to which weight loss helps disease control is also not clear. Scott and colleagues (pp. 36-49) have shed light on this issue in a study in which dietary and exercise interventions were correlated with changes in airway inflammation. They demonstrated that a modest degree of weight loss over ten weeks in overweight and obese adults with asthma improved measures of both asthma quality of life and symptoms as well as the numbers of neutrophils and eosinophils in sputum. Further encouragement to focus on this aspect of management in our asthma clinics.
机译:在本期杂志中,有两篇原创论文分别论述了肥胖与哮喘之间联系的各个方面,这两篇论文分别是Boulet博士的出色评论(第8-21页)和Chapman and Salome的有见地的社论(pp.2-4)。肥胖与哮喘之间的关联性已得到很好的确立,但尚不清楚肥胖是由于肥胖导致的症状减退和呼吸功能障碍还是由更直接的因果关系引起的[1-9]。减肥在多大程度上有助于疾病控制尚不清楚。 Scott和同事(第36-49页)在一项研究中阐明了这个问题,该研究中饮食和运动干预与气道炎症的变化相关。他们证明,肥胖超重和肥胖成年人在十周内有适度的体重减轻,可以改善哮喘的生活质量和症状,以及痰中嗜中性粒细胞和嗜酸性粒细胞的数量。在我们的哮喘诊所中,进一步鼓励将注意力集中在管理的这一方面。



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