首页> 外文期刊>Acta Horticulturae >Changes of organic soil substrate with continuous vegetable cultivation in solar greenhouse

Changes of organic soil substrate with continuous vegetable cultivation in solar greenhouse


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In this paper, the changes of organic soil substrate during vegetable cultivation and its effects on cucumber growth were studied. Organic soil was a mixture of corn stalk, manure and soil (2:1:1), which physical and chemical properties become much better than ordinary soil. The results showed that the soil bulk density increased, whereas the total porosity and available nutrients declined with the substrate cropping increase. Microbiological analysis showed that antinomies and bacteria density decreased while the fungi density increased with organic soils substrate cultivation. The growth of cucumber plants was influenced by cropping increase, the plant height and leaf areas of cucumber decreased, the photosynthetic efficiency declined, and cucumber yield decreased. The nutrient quality of cucumber declined with the cropping increase. The physicochemical properties and soil fertility of organic soil gradually decline after continuous cultivation.



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