首页> 外文期刊>American Journal of Physiology >ROK-induced cross-link formation stiffens passive muscle: reversible strain-induced stress softening in rabbit detrusor.

ROK-induced cross-link formation stiffens passive muscle: reversible strain-induced stress softening in rabbit detrusor.


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Passive mechanical properties of strips of rabbit detrusor smooth muscle were examined and found by cyclic loading in a calcium-free solution to display viscoelastic softening and strain-induced stress softening (strain softening). Strain softening, or the Mullins effect, is a loss of stiffness attributed to the breakage of cross-links, and appeared irreversible in detrusor even after the return of spontaneous rhythmic tone during 120 min of incubation in a calcium-containing solution. However, 3 min of KCl or carbachol (CCh)-induced contraction permitted rapid regeneration of the passive stiffness lost to strain softening, and 3 microM of the RhoA kinase (ROK) inhibitor Y-27632 prevented this regeneration. The degree of ROK-induced passive stiffness was inversely dependent on muscle length over a length range where peak CCh-induced force was length independent. Thus rabbit detrusor displayed variable passive stiffness both strain- and activation-history dependent. In conclusion, activation of ROK by KCl or CCh increased passive stiffness softened by muscle strain and thereby attributed to cross-links that remained stable during tissue incubation in a calcium-free solution. Degradation of this signaling system could potentially contribute to urinary incontinence.
机译:检查了兔逼尿肌平滑肌条的被动力学性能,并通过在无钙溶液中循环加载来显示其粘弹性软化和应变诱导的应力软化(应变软化)。应变软化或穆林斯效应是归因于交联断裂的刚度损失,即使在含钙溶液中孵育120分钟后自发的有节奏的回弹后,逼尿肌中的应变也变得不可逆。然而,3分钟的KCl或卡巴胆碱(CCh)诱导的收缩可以使因应变软化而失去的被动刚度快速再生,而3 microM的RhoA激酶(ROK)抑制剂Y-27632阻止了这种再生。 ROK引起的被动僵硬程度在一定范围内与肌肉长度成反比,在该范围内,峰值CCh诱导力与长度无关。因此,兔逼尿肌表现出可变的被动刚度,其取决于应变和激活历史。总之,通过KCl或CCh激活ROK可以增加因肌肉劳损而软化的被动刚度,因此归因于在无钙溶液中组织培养期间保持稳定的交联。该信号系统的降解可能会导致尿失禁。



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