首页> 外文期刊>American Journal of Physiology >Complete intracellular pH protection during extracellular pH depression is associated with hypercarbia tolerance in white sturgeon, Acipenser transmontanus.

Complete intracellular pH protection during extracellular pH depression is associated with hypercarbia tolerance in white sturgeon, Acipenser transmontanus.

机译:胞外pH降低期间完全的胞内pH保护与白st鱼Acipenser transmontanus的高碳血症耐受性有关。

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Sturgeons are among the most CO2 tolerant of fishes investigated to date. However, the basis of this exceptional CO2 tolerance is unknown. Here, white sturgeon, Acipenser transmontanus, were exposed to elevated CO2 to investigate the mechanisms associated with short-term hypercarbia tolerance. During exposure to 1.5 kPa Pco2, transient blood pH [extracellular pH (pHe)] depression was compensated within 24 h and associated with net plasma HCO3- accumulation and equimolar Cl- loss, and changes in gill morphology, such as a decrease in apical surface area of mitochondrial-rich cells. These findings indicate that pHe recovery at this level of hypercarbia is accomplished in a manner similar to most freshwater teleost species studied to date, although branchial mechanisms involved may differ. White sturgeon exposed to more severe hypercarbia (3 and 6 kPa Pco2) for 48 h exhibited incomplete pH compensation in blood and red blood cells. Despite pHe depression, intracellular pH (pHi) of white muscle, heart, brain, and liver did not decrease during a transient (6 h of 1.5 kPa Pco2) or prolonged (48 h at 3 and 6 kPa Pco2 blood acidosis. This pHi protection was not due to high intrinsic buffering in tissues. Such tight active cellular regulation of pHi in the absence of pHe compensation represents a unique pattern for non-air-breathing fishes, and we hypothesize that it is the basis for the exceptional CO2 tolerance of white sturgeon and, likely, other CO2 tolerant fishes. Further research to elucidate the specific mechanisms responsible for this tremendous pH regulatory capacity in tissues of white sturgeon is warranted.
机译:urge鱼是迄今为止对鱼类最耐二氧化碳的一种。但是,这种卓越的CO2耐受性的基础尚不清楚。在这里,将白色st鱼Acipenser transmontanus暴露于较高的CO2中,以研究与短期高碳血症耐受性相关的机制。在暴露于1.5 kPa Pco2的过程中,短暂的血液pH [细胞外pH(pHe)]下降在24小时内得到补偿,并与血浆净HCO3-积累和等摩尔Cl-损失以及associated形态的变化(例如顶表面的减少)有关线粒体富集细胞的面积。这些发现表明,尽管迄今所研究的分支机制可能不同,但在高碳酸血症水平上的pHe恢复以与迄今为止研究的大多数淡水硬骨鱼种相似的方式完成。暴露于更严重的高碳酸血症(3 kPa和6 kPa Pco2)48小时的白st鱼在血液和红细胞中表现出不完全的pH补偿。尽管pHe降低,但在短暂的(1.5 kPa Pco2的6小时)或延长的时间(3 kPa和6 kPa Pco2的血液酸中毒48小时)期间,白肌肉,心脏,大脑和肝脏的细胞内pH(pHi)并没有降低。并不是由于组织中固有的高缓冲作用,在没有pHe补偿的情况下,如此严格的pHi活性细胞调节代表了非呼吸性鱼类的独特模式,我们假设这是白色对CO2的超强耐受性的基础因此,有必要进行进一步的研究以阐明造成这种白色tremendous鱼组织巨大的pH调节能力的具体机制。



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