首页> 外文期刊>Journal of minimally invasive gynecology >Case Report: Laparoscopic Uterovaginal Anastomosis for Congenital Isolated Cervical Agenesis

Case Report: Laparoscopic Uterovaginal Anastomosis for Congenital Isolated Cervical Agenesis


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Management of cervical agenesis is a challenge owing to the complexity of the malformation and the difficulty in restoring and preserving fertility. We propose a minimally invasive fertility-sparing surgery for a 17-year-old woman with congenital cervical agenesis and a normal vagina and uterus confirmed by vaginoscopy. The patient was admitted for primary amenorrhea, hematometra, and cyclic pelvic pain. She had undergone previous laparoscopies for ovarian endometriosis. Our surgical approach involved the creation of an isthmus vaginal anastomosis with a uterovaginal reconnection. After surgery, the patient experienced regular menstrual cycles without dysmenorrhea. At 12 months postsurgery, she continued to experience normal menstruation, and the uterovaginal connection had not stenosed. Management of congenital cervical agenesis requires accurate diagnosis that includes appropriate classification of the malformation (European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology/European Society for Gynaecological Endoscopy classification). Surgical treatment is controversial and depends on the patient's age and desire for resolution. (C) 2017 AAGL. All rights reserved.
机译:由于畸形的复杂性以及恢复和保持生育能力的困难,宫颈发育不全的治疗是一个挑战。我们建议对一名17岁先天性宫颈发育不全且阴道和子宫经阴道镜检查证实正常的女性进行微创保留生育能力的手术。患者因原发性闭经、血常规和周期性骨盆疼痛入院。她曾因卵巢子宫内膜异位症接受过腹腔镜检查。我们的手术方法包括建立峡部阴道吻合术和子宫阴道重新连接。手术后,患者月经周期正常,无痛经。术后12个月,她继续经历正常的月经,子宫阴道连接没有狭窄。先天性宫颈发育不全的治疗需要准确的诊断,包括畸形的适当分类(欧洲人类生殖与胚胎学学会/欧洲妇科内窥镜检查学会分类)。手术治疗是有争议的,取决于患者的年龄和决心。(C) 2017年AAGL。版权所有。



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