首页> 外文期刊>Journal of substance abuse treatment >Leveraging digital tools to support recovery from substance use disorder during the COVID-19 pandemic response

Leveraging digital tools to support recovery from substance use disorder during the COVID-19 pandemic response


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Treatment for substance use disorder (SUD) during the COVID-19 pandemic poses unique challenges, both due to direct effects from the illness, and indirect effects from the physical measures needed to ?flatten the curve.? Stress, isolation, lack of structure, limited access to physical and mental health care, and changes in treatment paradigms all increase risk of return to drug use events and pose barriers to recovery for people with SUDs. The pandemic has forced treatment providers and facilities to rapidly adapt to address these threats while redesigning their structure to accommodate physical distancing regulations. Digital health interventions can function without the need for physical proximity. Clinicians can use digital health intervention, such as telehealth, wearables, mobile applications, and other remote monitoring devices, to convert in-person care to remote-based care, and they can leverage these tools to address some of the pandemic-specific challenges to treatment. The current pandemic provides the opportunity to rapidly explore the advantages and limitations of these technologies in the care of individuals with SUD.



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