首页> 外文期刊>Nordic Journal of Botany >Taxonomic revision of the genus Heliotropium (Boraginaceae s.l.) in south Yemen

Taxonomic revision of the genus Heliotropium (Boraginaceae s.l.) in south Yemen


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The flora and fauna of Arabia, particularly southern Yemen, has recently attracted the interest of many authors. In this study, the genus Heliotropium L. (Boraginaceae) is taxonomically revised in southern Yemen. Ten species are recognized. Nomenclature, typification, representative specimens and a diagnostic key to all species are provided, along with their distribution in southern Yemen. The taxonomically most valuable characters in the genus are those of flowers (calyx, corolla, androecium and gynoecium) and nutlets, and those characters are thoroughly investigated and discussed. Both light and scanning microscopy are used in the investigation. Papillate anther apices (brush-like) were recognized in some species. Connate anthers and deep or shallow ventral circular depressions on the nutlets were found to be useful in distinguishing members of H. sect. Orthostachys (viz. H. strigosum, H. rariflorum and H. ovalifolium), while winged nutlets were found only in H. pterocarpum. The length and hairiness of the style and stigma also proved to be taxonomically useful.
机译:阿拉伯的动植物,特别是也门南部,最近吸引了许多作者的利益。属Heliotropium l .(紫草科)在也门南部分类学的修订。物种都是公认的。标本和一个象征,代表诊断提供了所有物种的关键,与他们在也门南部的分布。分类学的最有价值的人物属的花(花萼、花冠、雄蕊和雌蕊)和后,这些字符进行彻底调查进行了讨论。在调查中使用。极点(我们)是公认的在一些物种。腹侧圆形凹陷的小坚果在区分成员发现是有用的H .教派Orthostachys(即H . strigosum H。rariflorum和h ovalifolium),而飞只在h . pterocarpum后被发现。长度和毛羽的风格和耻辱被证明是分类学的有用。



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